St. Catherine's Ballymacormack - Longford Group Church of Ireland

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History of St. Catherine's Ballymacormack
On this page we share some of the History St. Catherine's Ballymacormack. Many thanks to the local Historians, who did much of the research for us, and for Longford Library and Heritage for giving permission to include some of their historcal video's.
The first Vicar recorded for the parish of Ballymacormick was Rev. Richard McCarmyke, who was the rector there until 1550.

In 1827, during the ministry of Rev. Henry Maxwell (later to be titled Lord Farnam) the current building was built on the site of an earlier church.

It is believed that Ballymacormick was used as an overflow church for the garrison in Longford at the time when it was rebuilt.

In 1871 the parish was joined to Kilashee parish and more recently was rejoined to Templemichael Parish (St. John's Longford). There is evidence that Templemichael and Ballymacormick were first joined around 1673.

Material sourced from "Our Churches" BB Booklet from 1983.

Rector: Rev. Simon Scott
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