St. Paul's Kilashee - Longford Group Church of Ireland

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History of St. Paul's Kilashee
On this page we share some of the History St. Paul's Kilashee. Many thanks to the local Historians, who did much of the research for us, and for Longford Library and Heritage for giving permission to include some of their historcal video's.
Built in a Board of First Fruits hall and tower form, with Gothic and Tudor Revival style influences.  It was ‘ rebuilt’ in 1837 by aid of a grant of £1211 from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners (Lewis 1837). The architect responsible was probably James Welland (1798 – 1860), architect to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners (Tuam District) at the time. The previous church was described as 'so old that date and cost are uncertain (Irish Parliamentary Returns 1837 - 1833 description). The earliest legible grave is dated 1710 (McCutchin).

The presence of early grave markers (and the early rector) suggests that the present edifice occupies the site of an earlier church building. Indeed, there is a much smaller ‘hall’ type church indicated here (on a slightly different alignment) on the 1838 Ordnance Survey first edition six-inch map of the area. This building forms a good pair of related structures with the associated rectory and is an integral element of the built heritage of the Killashee area.

Matierial from the National Inventory of Architectual Heritage.
Click the link below to go to their website and find out more.

Want more information?
A recently published local history book and grave records including St. Paul's Kilashee Historic Graveyard is available to purchase from its authors.
Rector: Rev. Simon Scott
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